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My Career

I’ve been fortunate to have an unusual breadth of experience in my career. My early education was in Performing Arts and Communications, which prepared me for the complex communication challenges of the modern business world. I’ve held management positions in Marketing and Program Management at companies from small and emerging to large and established in a variety of technology industries. I’ve used my expertise in Enneagram Leadership Styles and Neuro-Linguistics to translate differing points of view into shared vision.

I believe the business world needs people like me who can see things from many perspectives. The lock step of an organization can bind people’s spirits to the goal in a mistaken belief that this is what will make the enterprise most effective.

In fact, organizations thrive when the people in them begin to know each other, trust each other, and hear – really hear – each other. They thrive when idiosyncratic is not a dirty adjective, when different points of view are rewarded. In a time of constant change, an organization that can channel the diversity of its employees toward a common goal is an organization that will continue to deliver best-in-class performance. 


Women’s Leadership Coaching: 
Emerging Leader Spotlight


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Consulting and Leadership

In 1999, I left corporate America to found a consulting practice based on these principles, and I counseled companies in trouble, executives failing to meet expectations, teams that could not work together. The most rewarding moments of my day were when someone would look at me and say, “Wow, I never thought about it that way!”

Seven years later, I took what I learned back into the corporate world in leadership roles as a Senior Program Management Professional, managing complex programs with many moving parts and large core teams. Now I’m a guerilla change agent, working my magic from behind the lines to streamline processes and meet demanding deadlines, armed with language skills, insight, front-line experience and a wicked sense of humor. I prize my ability to find unseen solutions in times of conflict, and to bring out the best in my colleagues.

I never get tired of finding order in the midst of chaos. I never get tired of seeing the real person come to life.


Harvard Business School Perspectives: 
Why Do You Do What You Do?